The meaning of artivism can be found in the word. Combining the terms 'art' with 'activism'. Using creativity as a way to communicate social and environmental injustice and to inspire change.
I believe art is an essential communication tool for reconnecting us to the natural world.

Oceanic 31
"Oceanic 31 is a brand new shark and ray art project from The Shark Trust. We are bringing together artists from a variety of backgrounds who are passionate about wildlife, conservation, and using art as a tool for positive change. The artists have kindly agreed to donate the pieces to our cause. Each artist has focused on one species of Oceanic Shark or Ray."

Art to show the bigger picture
An illustration I created for PADI Scuba Diving Magazine to accompany an article on sustainable seafood choices. The art work explores many of the issues with industrial fishing.

Inspiring Hope
Art has the power to portray a different story than can be captured by a camera. This illustration created for Scuba Diving Magazine, accompanied an article about eco anxiety and diving. As divers, we are in a novel position seeing the degradation of the marine habitats we love first hand. This illustration looks at the effects of coral bleaching and hope for the future.

The Anthropocene
There is still debate amongst scientist about whether the term Anthropocene should be officially adopted. In the past time periods have been classified on geological change, as this has been the main driving force of transforming the planet. What is clear in this new time era is that humans have now become the driving force for sculpting the future of our planet, and we are altering it an unprecedented rate.